Hoarded House Clearance Gosforth – Case Study

Client Overview

Following a bereavement, the client needed a complete clearance of a five-bedroom, three-floor townhouse in Gosforth, which had become hoarded and was partially verminous. The client also requested the clearance of a small garden associated with the property.


To thoroughly clear the hoarded property, manage vermin issues, ensure the safe recovery of valuables, and responsibly dispose of the contents through commercial recycling. The client was unable to be present due to personal reasons, necessitating remote coordination and communication.


1. Initial Coordination and Key Collection

 Our team coordinated with the client’s solicitor to collect the keys, allowing us to access the property. This step ensured that the clearance process could proceed smoothly without the client’s physical presence.

2. Assessment and Planning

Given the complexity of the task, our team initially assessed the entire property, including the garden, to plan the clearance strategy. This assessment helped identify areas with potential valuables and the extent of vermin infestation, guiding the deployment of appropriate resources.

3. Clearance Execution

Over the course of three days, our team worked diligently to clear the house and garden. Given the hoarded condition and partial verminous state, specialized cleaning and waste removal techniques were employed to handle biohazardous materials safely and efficiently.

4. Recovery of Valuables

During the clearance, our team found several items of considerable sentimental and monetary value, including jewelry, family photographs, and important documents. These items were photographed for our client, and placed In the care of their solicitor with the safe return of the keys.

5. Commercial Recycling

The majority of the house’s contents were not suitable for donation due to their condition; hence, they were taken to a commercial recycling facility. This approach was essential for managing the large volume of material and adhering to environmental standards.


To keep the client informed and involved in the process, we took detailed photographs of the cleared property, the condition of the house before and after the job, and the valuables that were recovered. These photographs, along with updates, were regularly sent to the client, ensuring transparency and peace of mind.

7. Key Return

Upon completion of the clearance, the keys were returned to the solicitor, along with the valuables recovered.


The extensive clearance was successfully completed within three days, transforming a severely hoarded and partially verminous property into a clean, safe, and empty space ready for its next steps. The recovery and safe handling of valuables were particularly valued by the client, who expressed gratitude for the sensitivity and thoroughness of the work.

Client Feedback

The client was highly satisfied with the results and the professional management of such a challenging clearance. The frequent updates and photographs provided reassurance and a sense of involvement in the process despite their absence. The careful return of keys and personal valuables were highlighted as aspects of the service that exceeded their expectations.


This case study illustrates the complexity and responsibility involved in clearing heavily hoarded properties, especially under sensitive circumstances such as bereavement. Our approach emphasizes thorough planning, respectful handling of belongings, and meticulous execution, ensuring client satisfaction and adherence to environmental responsibilities.