No2 Folding Pocket Kodak C1899-1902 Camera


No2 Folding Pocket Kodak C1899-1902 Camera

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The No. 2 Folding Pocket Kodak, produced between 1899 and 1902, is a remarkable piece of photographic history, representing one of Kodak’s early innovations in making photography accessible to the masses.

Designed for 101 roll film, this camera was compact and portable, embodying the concept of “You press the button, we do the rest,” which revolutionized photography at the turn of the 20th century.

Its folding design, combined with durable materials and quality craftsmanship, made it a popular choice for amateur photographers of the era.

In working order, this camera is not just a collector’s treasure but a functional piece of history, offering a direct connection to the early days of modern photography.

Perfect for vintage camera enthusiasts and anyone interested in the evolution of photographic technology.

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